Is this going to be The Defining period of our Time?
I’m sitting at the dining table, with a plate of hot food in front of me, going through Instagram. And there was a notification from Inshots, about something called Kathua. I tapped on it because I did not know what that word meant.
In ten minutes, I knew enough about it to lose my appetite. And in that brief moment, I was ashamed.
Rapes and sexual harassment happen all around the world. But we are a country that worships women and female deities in equal powers with the male gods. IS this how you treat your wife and children? No wonder people abroad look at us as barbarians. It took me days to convince my friend that every Indian was not as bleak as the ones they read in the news.
No wonder there’s brain drain and corruption if this is the way you treat your women. There shouldn’t be a women’s day or a mother’s day when the government acts like it cares and gives out funds to the women’s association or something lame.
It boils my blood to see people actually siding with the people who committed the crime. That makes them guilty by association as well. In fact, It makes the whole country guilty by association, for taking countless acts like this for granted. As many television ads and articles said, we should have taught a boy to respect a girl and not stare at her like a creep instead of telling a girl to dress properly when she’s in public.
In fact, I, a 19-year-old girl shouldn’t be talking about things like this when the country is governed by men who have white hair and pot bellies, who are supposed to be intellectual and who have the future of the country in their hands.
It’s easy for them to sit in front of a screen and say things like, “Oh, she must have provoked them in some way and that's why it happened. It’s her fault”
You know it’s not. Everyone knows it's not. Would you say that same statement if it happened to the women in your family?
Maybe it really isn’t their fault. Maybe it’s us, who always want to debate about the latest cricket scores or who broke up with who. Maybe it's us who have slap ourselves awake for not doing anything about these barbaric and inhuman acts, other than posting about it on Instagram and asking people to remove their DPs on WhatsApp like that's going to change anything.
The victim’s family is that one that's exposed, instead of the actual accused people. This has become a morbid entertainment for the others, watching the affected people having cameras thrust in their faces and asked about the incidents repeatedly, while the accused sit at home watch it all on the tv screens.

This is not a mammoth task for us to crack our minds in search of solutions. It's not rocket science. We’re not kids. It's time to get off our lazy behinds and actually do something about this. And not those candle rallies, please. You know it doesn’t help.
Try doing something like QUESTIONING the rulers of our country. We drove away a higher power from our country and we established our own independent democracy. Where are the stubbornness and willpower?
You don't need Gandhi to walk you through it.
Use the right to Speech, because there are places on this Earth where people cannot voice their opinions. Maybe then you can make a difference, instead of making a hashtag on twitter.
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