Flowers in my hair and Demons in my head
It’s one of those nights again when sleep knocks on my eyelids, but my brain has more important things to go through. Rain is pattering on the overhead windows in my room, and I’m snuggled in my blankets. It’s one of those nights when everything in life seems to be pointless, and the romantic in me is shaking her head at the way things are.
We all have demons in our head. They’re the ones that will be the death of us all. The ones that whisper negative thoughts into your soul and emotionally crumble you to dust. Just when you think you amount to something, this snake coils around you, going, “you’re useless. No one likes you. You’re all alone in this world.” You can feel your brain becoming empty and getting filled with this one thought that you’re no good. It feels correct for quite a while, and it can lead any sane man to his destruction. They bring you down so much that sitting around doing nothing seems to be the best thing to do.

The negative thoughts in our heads are the old man we’re all carrying on our shoulders. It’s easy to put them down and go on our way, but they are hard to get rid of, and they keep coming back to us again and again. And sometimes you these thoughts come in the form of people in your life. They’re everywhere. And they bring you crashing down. Never let them get to you.
But that doesn’t mean you have to get callous and harsh to others. The world is not all bad things and monsters. There are rainbows and flowers too. Becoming a rude person doesn’t change things for you or the ones around you. People will try to get in, hurt you and take advantage of you. That is when you need to be the toughest you’ve ever been in your life.
It’s not your fault that you’re a soft person. The world is terrible that way. You don’t need to become hard and insensitive to survive though. Build a hard exterior to protect your soft little persona. Because that little soft person has the finer qualities in your life.
The trick is really simple. Think of reconstructing your mind. Think of all the good things, even though it’s as simple as having a pup in your lap and sounds very cliché. Go to your happy place. Piece yourself together again. Become firm in your thoughts, and don’t get swayed by things in life. You’re perfect, and you know it. Just because someone said you’re bad at something doesn’t make you so. And you’re the best you there is.
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